Terms & Conditions


Currently HortMatrix LLC is not taking on any clients.

This websites describes what we HAVE done with our business.

You are welcome to reach out to us to find out what new things are going on in our lives!

HortMatrix LLC does not make or imply any guarantees of business or individual success in this or any publication. HortMatrix LLC or any employee, member, manager, relative or assign of HortMatrix LLC assumes zero liability which includes but is not limited to any business conducted, the success of any business or individual, any services provided, any data, data error, loss of data or failure of any type. Use of any services or information provided constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions and releases us as noted here. HortMatrix LLC at times offers services with specifics indicated but we retain the right to change, modify or discontinue any part of any service, any part of what is included, in whole or in part, any methodology or tools found or used in services, or costs of services, at any time, for any reason. We cannot promise we will take on all projects and reserve the right to decline for any reason. -- These terms apply to all business conducted and all sites blogs, videos, emails and posting on social media, including but not limited by this site, www.hortmatrix.com and www.hortmatrixllc.com.