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Wholesale greenhouse and nurseries can get the numbers they need and stay on top of them, by working with HortMatrix LLC.

Before you read more, please see Terms page for a 2025 update.
Adaptive services work around you and the way you do things.

Packages are collections of services that work together.
We Offer: Planning and support services for wholesale greenhouses & nurseries.
Our Focus: It's all about the numbers.  We want to help you find more profit & simplify the planning part of your business.

Your Part:  Team up with us!  Where are you challenged, right now?

We start with where you are at.  We have methods, tools and templates.  We lead the way, you provide us data in an easy and simple way, then we calculate the results and report on it.  We can do more or less.  When you need it, we are there.  There is nothing else like this!
Method: Just like an architect might use a special CAD program to design something, we use proprietary methods with a hands-on touch, staying involved, about what we see and adapting where needed.  You are unique and so are we!

HortMatrix LLC is a Professional Service Business.  Contact us to learn more!